Suiyobi no Downtown
- リアル スラムドッグ ミリオネア
- 芸能界一 寝たら起きないの ジミー大西説
Suiyobi no Downtown
oh yes! Drunken Kurochan vs Komiya, shocking and hilarious!
The new Punpee opening sequences is awesome.
Thank you Ernie!!
Great ernie Thanks
I really love that Slum Dog Millionaire segment… I’m a real sucker for quiz games and I used to marathon the Millionaire show, hoping I could be on it one day. It’s absolutely frightening to me how Komiya remembered a lot of things he’s told. I guess that’s why he was also able to remember almost all of the things Wednesday Downtown did to him too. I saw on Nouryoku Test his ability to find the ball under moving cups was genius level, like top 10% or something. My question is if he has such a good head on his shoulders, why did he repeat a grade? (Ametalk, Daburu geinin)
Wow, I kind of wish I didn’t watch this because now I’m just even more curious about him
I’m with Matsumoto on, "This program loves Komiya"… up there with Mr. SASUKE and Giant Shirota now huh! [spoiler:54081lmr]Of all the things he could have done to Kuro-chan, he chooses to move his stuff.[/spoiler:54081lmr]
I just instinctively held my hands out. I cannot distinguish between TV and real life.
Komiya must be an idiot savant.
Komiya mentioned that the Real Slum Dog Millionaire and Kuro-chan shooting happened on the same day on [url=]Sanshiro’s All Night Nippon[/url:12qvdzh9] (radio). So right after he got out he had to prepare something for the drunk Kuro-chan. ("Wednesday Downtown’s staff is crazy!" he said)
After that entire episode Kuro-chan sent Komiya mail saying "Thanks" and that he managed to get home safely, to which Komiya said he didn’t understand what was up with that message, but it was funny.
Unfortunately still no highlight whether Kuro-chan did anything about his missing stuff.