Suiyobi no Downtown

  1. 極寒の雪山でも 1万円あれば寒さ しのげる説
  2. ツッコミ芸人なら「お前が歌うんかい!」と一発でツッコめる説
  3. 公園にある動物の遊具 一番多いのゾウ説

I’m not done watching but that battle of gear against the cold [spoiler:3ivo7c7z]Komiya spends his money on a freaking kotatsu. When he brought out the water boiler I JUST CAN'T!! It's a shame he gives up so fast though. He's so weak at things like this lmao Shoji was SO funny tho omg I'm glad he's the guy they choose to shop at Daiso. When he shouts "THIS IS GOOOD!!" about the miso soup he makes while Nishimura freezes up.[/spoiler:3ivo7c7z] What an unexpected turn of events.

I hope no one catches a serious cold soon after that!! I’m so worried for them!

I LOVE how they used Kinki Kids’ Garasu no Shounen twice in two of the karaoke pranks and the second time Matsumoto shouted out "YOU GUYS [producers] LOVE THIS [SONG] DONCHA"

I DOOOOOO!! I’m so glad to see my fav group’s debut song play on this show.

Thank you Ernie!!

hey any chance i can get the key to this episode ? thanks