Suiyobi no Downtown

I shed emotional tears for the first time in the WDT episode.

Thanks Ernie!

Great episode. I wonder what Ooshiro did that couldn’t be shown. Did he go Bear Grylls?

The staff are really evil.

As I wrote before, Wednesday Downtown is crazy good this year. Legendry episode. Also, the next episode will be my favorite topic, “Every one’s theory special.” So excited.

Probably he either ate a frog or he drank his own urine.

I wonder if they cut Ogata’s rope, in one shot you can see it wrapped around the tree multiple times.
Anyway, kudos to him for refusing to give up. :rock:

Greatly appreciated ErnieYoung san. :smiley:

Ive seen these links or this show for the first time and as I want to download it via Ernies link, it asks me for a Kryptokey to be able to download.
Can somebody share some light?

What is the mega key

Softsubs available here:

Don’t know why some subbers don’t post to the forum anymore… :wasntme:

I don’t speak Japanese but still this episode was crazy! I’d love a bit more context, if anyone can provide. I’m guessing that they set up the competition on false pretenses and the individuals thought they were doing a different segment entirely but after they all fall into their pits, the real rules are revealed. And I’m guessing those rules are that they can leave the pit whenever they want but that means their out of the competition and they can either choose to escape or try to out last everyone but if someone escapes, they win. And it seems theres one competitor that is either especially skilled or especially determined lol.
Does anyone know?

I also don’t speak Japanese but with visual context alone I’m fairly certain it was a prank and not a competition. They thought they were doing a segment (not sure what) but fell in a pit. After a while they found a piece of paper advertising an old competition that used the pit, and the pit was also made to look very old (the walls). That made them think they fell into an old pit that was forgotten about and nobody will come to save them. That’s why some of them got very desperate like praying, doing a Bear Grylls, and just desperately trying everything they could (Oogata).

Also, a couple of posts above has a Reddit link for subtitles so you can re-watch to fully understand what happened.

Excellent! Thanks for the heads up!

:sweat: The mega link seems dead for me, I can’t see any file in there