Seeing as I haven’t been able to visit this forum (quite possibly my favorite forum ) in nearly a year or something (College and other things just took over my life). I’ve missed so much. I know it may be asking to much, but you guys think you can flood me with info to get me started on watching what I have missed?
-Mainly I need to know what the new batsu game is :<
-Any new series come up/or episodes of present series have been posted?
I don’t mind that you’re ignoring the bright yellow stars when you enter the homepage that indicates all the new posts in the forum due to your long absence… but you could have just clicked the Batsu and Gaki no Tsukai link and it will give you all the latest from top to bottom
Otherwise, you’ve missed a lot. And, like the comments above, next Batsu is airport batsu
Well, I’ve seen all the batsu games up till this one multiple times. Just wanted a quick answer at the time for thing as I wasn’t able to visit the site much :s
Anyway peoples, thanks a bunch for the info!