I have fallen in love with this show and watched a lot of clips on Youtube but could not find a good place to download the latest episodes with High Definition.I would be very thankful is someone gave me a good source.
Sign up to [url=https://aox.to/:1hl3prrj]aox.to[/url:1hl3prrj] . There’s currently 8 latest episodes uploaded (torrents) there and Suiyoubi no Downtown’s DVD Box sets 1, 2 & 3. Suiyoubi no Downtown has been on a two week break, but the next episode will air next week and it’s usually uploaded to AOX the day after it airs in Japan. It’s my favourite Japanese Variety Show.
I also recommend Nara Deki which is like a scaled back version of Suiyoubi no Downtown. Cocorico hosts that. It’s also regularly uploaded on AOX.
[i:1hl3prrj]If you don’t have enough Upload on AOX to download stuff, send me a message and I’ll send you some bonus points which you can exchange for Upload. I’ve got plenty.[/i:1hl3prrj]
PS, a lot of other Japanese Variety Shows are regularly uploaded there like Tetsuwan Dash, ItteQ, Sukatto Japan, Monitoring, VS Arashi, etc. I highly recommend!
GGib didn’t mention but aox is a torrenting site so if you’re not into torrenting you wouldn’t want to sign up
[quote="GGib":18zt9bmn]Sign up to [url=https://aox.to/:18zt9bmn]aox.to[/url:18zt9bmn] . There’s currently 8 latest episodes uploaded (torrents) there and Suiyoubi no Downtown’s DVD Box sets 1, 2 & 3. Suiyoubi no Downtown has been on a two week break, but the next episode will air next week and it’s usually uploaded to AOX the day after it airs in Japan. It’s my favourite Japanese Variety Show. [/quote:18zt9bmn]
Thank you so much GGib! You rock! I love this show but hardly find good quality videos as well.
ItteQ always my favourite show, give me so much laughs.
Interesting bugs eating in Ariyoshi no dare toku show…
Thanks again!
GGib didn’t mention that in order to sign up in AOX you have to receive an invite from another user.
[quote="VideogameDC":fefppsxq]GGib didn’t mention that in order to sign up in AOX you have to receive an invite from another user. [/quote:fefppsxq]
Nah, you’re just late. When I made my post, AOX had an open registration period.
If someone wants to be invited to AOX, send me a message with your email and I’ll see what I can do. You can also ask if [i:fefppsxq]this variety show[/i:fefppsxq] is available on AOX, so the invite won’t go to waste.
[quote="GGib":2yh6707c]When I made my post, AOX had an open registration period. [/quote:2yh6707c]
Ah, gotcha. Although I wonder why they closed the open registration.
Registration to [url=https://aox.to/:1p6jmwzp]AOX[/url:1p6jmwzp] will be open until April 14th. Now’s your chance!
Thank you, GGib! I was able to get an account for the site
Thank you very much for the info GGib.
Joined already.
Can anyone send me an invite, please ? I just saw that I was too late by 1 day…
[quote="zwerks":38pzid6j]Can anyone send me an invite, please ? I just saw that I was too late by 1 day…[/quote:38pzid6j]
I can, but I need your email for that. I don’t think you’re able to send PMs being a new users, so you’ll have to put the email here and delete after I’ve sent you the invite.
I recently received a message from a user here, but I’m unable to reply to him as I don’t have the rights to send PMs. I’d be glad to invite him to AOX, but could he please send me a message with his email address.
Quick shout out to GGib - just got the invite, thanks man!
[url=https://aox.to/:7we49jqb]AOX[/url:7we49jqb] has Open Registration from [b:7we49jqb]Thursday 11th[/b:7we49jqb] to [b:7we49jqb]Sunday 14th[/b:7we49jqb] if someone’s interested in Suiyoubi no Downtowns old episodes. There are also plenty other Japanese Variety Shows. I recommend!
ItteQ, VS Arashi, Tetsuwan Dash, Monitoring, Sukatto Japan, Aiyoshi no Dare Toku, Kis-My Busaiku, Nep League, Cream Quiz Miracle 9, Moyamoya Summers, SamaSupo, Tamori Club, Nino-san, Q sama, Nara Deki, Tunnels no Minasan, etc.