I found this on youtube and although this is not part of Yamasaki Produce but I think he did a really good job with the song. He also has a strong resemblance to the lead singer of Checkers. Hope you guys know/remember Checkers.
Louder clothes but a good match!
[quote="RafaMX":1gs1vafk]is he the guy in pink?[/quote:1gs1vafk]
I think OneVirgin’s video is just the actual Checker’s band doing the song for comparison.
Sadly the actual clip of Yamazaki seems to of been taken down. I assume it might of been from the show Monomane Battle or something so if anyone has the clip I’d appreciate a re-up! It’s tough to find his old appearances on that show. He imitated the following Checker’s songs on it:
[b:1gs1vafk][color=#8000BF:1gs1vafk]Monomane Battle 44 Summer Festival[/color:1gs1vafk] ものまねバトル44 〈ものまね炎のロックバトル〉…伝説のバンドが夏フェスに集結?[/b:1gs1vafk]
[b:1gs1vafk][color=#008040:1gs1vafk]2007.08.02 - Stardust - Checkers [/color:1gs1vafk][/b:1gs1vafk] 「星屑のステージ」(チェッカーズ)
Starring: 山崎邦正&鶴久政治&RYU
[b:1gs1vafk][color=#8000BF:1gs1vafk]Monomane Battle 37[/color:1gs1vafk] ものまねバトル37[/b:1gs1vafk]
[b:1gs1vafk][color=#008040:1gs1vafk]2006.01.03 - "Request of Tears" - Checkers [/color:1gs1vafk][/b:1gs1vafk]チェッカーズ『涙のリクエスト』
Starring: 山崎邦正+鶴久政治