I don’t think there’s a thread of YTP here but I might as well start it.
A YouTube Poop is a video that takes pre-existing sources and messes around with them, stuttering, looping, making people say different things (usually rude things) etc… Here’s a good example of what I’m talking about:
Anyway, I make these things because they are fun to make but I’ve recently not made much nowadays. Here’s one I made using GnT and probably the only one that has ever used it as a YTP source:
First time I ever see something like that!
The concept is worthy of it name… that’s pure crap.
I haven’t really watched these since most are so random and annoying (just like the examples in opening post), but I doubt anything will be as great as this.
I actually did one too back in the days with Windows Movie Maker, but it was pretty pathetic and based on my big brother’s home made LotR parody movie, so I ended up removing it.
I like oneswho use sentence mixing and reverse jokes. I’m not a fan of ones that go overboard with ear-rape, repetition and over the top effects like the ones in the first post.
This gangnam style by cs188 is a pretty good one using a source people are familiar with
And this is one of my favourite YTP of all time