This is an old variety show, which aired from 1988 till 1991. There is a theme each week, and many mini-skits based on the theme.
The members of the show are Downtown(Matsumoto Hitoshi and Hamada Masatoshi), UcchanNanchan(Uchimura Teruyoshi and Nanbara Kiyotaka), Nozawa Naoko and Shimizu Michiko.
I found many raw episodes on youtube [url=]here[/url:2enk6bbv], though many episodes are missing.
I am planning to slowly download and then upload to MF. It’ll be great if anyone has another source for this show or is willing to help download and upload episodes.
Episodes (all are RAW)
002: 「時間と友達になりたい」 - [url=]MF[/url:2enk6bbv](.mp4 yt rip)
003: 「休みがコワイ」 - [url=]MF[/url:2enk6bbv](.mp4 yt rip)
004: 「秘密 教えて」 - [url=]MF[/url:2enk6bbv](.mp4 yt rip)
006: 「かけひき上手になりたい」 - [url=]MF[/url:2enk6bbv](.mp4 yt rip)
007 [url=]MF[/url:2enk6bbv](.mp4 yt rip)
010 [url=]MF[/url:2enk6bbv](.mp4 yt rip)
The final two episodes was a special drama in two parts.
128 「forever friends」 part 1 [url=]MF[/url:2enk6bbv](.mp4 yt rip)
129 「forever friends」 part 2 [url=]MF[/url:2enk6bbv](.mp4 yt rip)
I recently subbed a skit from ep. 69, uploaded as unlisted video[url=]on yt.[/url:2enk6bbv] Title is ‘Ano’. Enable CC to see the subs.
I chose this as my first subbing project as it is short and the characters use standard Japanese instead of kansai-ben.