Episode #1395 (2018.03.04) Board Game Meet-Up

This week’s Gaki’s title is "Let’ have fun with board games from all around the globe". The member’s are perplexed by the large number of different board games from many countries. They gradually get absorbed by some of the real deepness of these games.
A combination of Luck, strategy and memory and other important elements lead to a great climax

link pls earnie, thank you very muchy

Earnie-Sama onegai, thank you very much for the link :bow: :bow: :bow:

hy ernie,I would also like the link, thanks!

@Ernie, please and thank you as always.

Sounds kinda fun! Would like a link for this one, thanks.

Can i have the link too, Thank you Ernie

I’d love a link!

Can I also get a link Ernie? Thanks!

ErnieYoung mentioned that he would be returning to posting the Gaki no Tsukai weekly episode link within the relevant thread again, so check back later to see if it has been posted.


Looks like a fun episode :D

Please share a link, Ernie.

May I get the link as well.

:bow: :bow:

I would also like a link, thanks!

Link for me as well pls :bow: :bow:

ErnieYoung may i have a link too? Thank you c^_^ c

Hey Ernie, can i please get a link too.

Thanks. ^_^

please mr. ernie and thank you!

Can I have a link to ernie thank you

Yo Ernie looking forward to this new series. A link would be great