The first Trivia night(or day depending on timezone) was a success and will be held every week from now on.

[b:14d7swkt]The Trivia Events will Start on every Sunday at 1500 GMT. (for you Americans, that’s 10:00am EST [color=red:14d7swkt]It’s 11:00AM now during daylight savings[/color:14d7swkt]) If there is enough interest from the west coast of america that wants it pushed up an hour or so, it might be done.[/b:14d7swkt]

(i used GMT because you should know how many hours off GMT you are)

[color=blue:14d7swkt]Read about every week’s results and questions here: [url=]Gaki Trivia (results)[/url:14d7swkt][/color:14d7swkt]

Unless announced otherwise they will be all Batsu related questions such as: who got most slaps in the highschool batsu, but harder, much harder. There will be around 30 questions lasting a little more than 60 minutes.

It’s held in this site’s chat room, not the shoutbox (yes we actually have a chatroom around here: [url:14d7swkt][/url:14d7swkt] ), I will post the question and whoever replies with the answer first will get the point.

(For now, until we come up with something better)
The winner gets to choose a food and I will taste and review it in a vlog (i’m in tokyo if you aren’t aware) So you can choose natto or takoyaki or whatever you like… (not a great prize but… whatever, can’t think of anything else) (also, no matsumoto surprise ingredient types of food please… it can be gross but make it something a lot of people eat)

I’ll try to join. The second option is the best for me, because that’s nicely in the afternoon (GMT+1 here). The other one is in the middle of the night ><

Yep I would also play :clap: GMT+1

Alright, well in order to include the european members of the board (including our admin) I’ll go with the later time.

The Trivia Event will Start on Sunday(about 24 hours from this post) at 1500 GMT. (for you Americans, that’s 10:00am EST) If there is enough interest from the west coast of america that wants it pushed up an hour or so, it might be done.

So everyone get ready for some trivia :P

I might join if I don’t forget about this :)

^^ I’ll play.

Congrats to Gojinki, the winner of todays Quiz. With a score of of 8 correct answers out of 30 questions. In second place was Jar, with 6 correct answers out of 30 questions. Thanks to all of you who participated. Look forward to more quizes in the future.

Congratulations to the winner :clap:

Congratulations gojinki! :flowers:

Thanks :) Guess that was the worst outcome from Kyons point of view though :lol:

Congratulations! And it’s also great that we now have trivia every sunday!

Reminder, gaki trivia on sunday!! be there!

Really enjoyed the quizzes, look forward to seeing more people joining in. The more the merrier.

has the trivia happened today yet?

were is the event (quizz) going to happen ??? on the chat box ??

It’s in the IRC Chat at the top.

What do the questions have to deal with ? the show or just batsu game ?

Whoa, I wanna play too. It’s good to test my knowledge onthem since they’re one of my favorite shows of all time.



Sorry people, been pretty busy lately. This sunday I’ll try to start up another round of trivia. I’ll only do it if enough people are interested in participating though, so reply if you intend to show up.