Do you wanna try it?? You can post your results in this topic
I got [b:17voue8p]100%[/b:17voue8p], of course…I’m a [b:17voue8p][u:17voue8p][color=#FF0000:17voue8p]Gaki Expert[/color:17voue8p][/u:17voue8p][/b:17voue8p]
I, too, am a Gaki Expert. I scored 93.33%. However, the quiz is faulty. One question asks which hometown do both Hamada and Matsumoto come from. Amagasaki, Hyogo is not one of the choices. So, if one is going to answer honestly there is no way to get 100% on the test. I answered the one I felt was closest, even though it is truly the hometown of Cocorico.
Yeah, I know…I search for Amagasaki and I didn’t find it, but is really close to Osaka, so. I didn’t made the quiz. But still is fun, no reason why all has to be so technical and serious Congrats!! We are two Gaki Experts
Aside from the Downtown hometown question, the punishment record question seems to be out of date. I can distinctly remember Matsumoto breaking the 300-mark.