So, what is this? I’ll tell you!
it’s a personality test originally created by Carl Gustav Jung, a swiss psychologist.
There are 16 types of personalities, and each one has special traits which are positive or negative.
Depending on which personality you have, there are particular likings.
For example : I’m an INTP. Wtf is an INTP you ask? An INTP is a rather introverted person, which likes to live in his own world, in which he creates new things, or combines already existent things. (This doesn’t mean, that I’m smart.)
[url=]Famous INTP[/url:29x7sjvk][/b:29x7sjvk]
Altogether there are 2 major types of personalities: The extroverted and the introverted type. [url=]click me for more info[/url:29x7sjvk]
I’d like you, for interest purposes, to take this test and post the results. I’m tremendously interested what’ll come out, which personality the major part of this forum is, and how much you could identify yourself with the descriptions shown.
Here’s the [b:29x7sjvk][url=]test[/url:29x7sjvk][/b:29x7sjvk]. Please answer honestly.
And here are the [b:29x7sjvk][url=]Portraits[/url:29x7sjvk][/b:29x7sjvk] of each character.
Please keep in mind, that this process isn’t 100% accurate, and it’ll never be. Every Human is unique, and has his own memories,way of living and so on. The text is indeed generalizing, and sometimes even inaccurate. But please, tell me afterwards how your "experience" was, and how much you could have identified yourself with it.
Say’s i’m The Inspirer which I agree with as I am normally the speech maker etc in our class discussions and am known for being an on-the-spot stand up comedian or speech person, it’s the one skill I have
Great test found it interesting
edit: I did not say ta-da for the record it was the copy and paste
Yeah I did, it did fit me quite well and the jobs were hilarious. Overall I think it ain’t perfect but it is very good at assessing you. Plus its true I never follow a project through or stick on the same subject however I promised it would change,move to Japan learn Japanese then set up a cage diving company.
Ta-dah, your personality type is ISFP!
Introverted (I) 75% Extraverted (E) 25%
Sensing (S) 73% Intuitive (N) 27%
Feeling (F) 70% Thinking (T) 30%
Perceiving (P) 59% Judging (J) 41%
According to Myers-Briggs, ISFPs are peaceful, easygoing people who adopt a "live and let live" approach to life. They enjoy taking things at their own pace and tend to live in the moment. Although quiet, they are pleasant, considerate, caring, and devoted to the people in their lives. Though not inclined to debate or necessarily even air their views, their values are important to them.
[quote:3hgx3373][i:3hgx3373] INTJs apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion [b:3hgx3373]"Does it work?"[/b:3hgx3373] to everything from their own research efforts to the prevailing social norms. This in turn produces an unusual independence of mind, freeing the INTJ from the constraints of authority, convention, or sentiment for its own sake … INTJs are known as the "Systems Builders" of the types, perhaps in part because they possess the unusual trait combination of imagination and reliability. Whatever system an INTJ happens to be working on is for them the equivalent of a moral cause to an INFJ; both perfectionism and disregard for authority may come into play … Personal relationships, particularly romantic ones, can be the INTJ’s Achilles heel … This happens in part because many INTJs do not readily grasp the social rituals … Perhaps the most fundamental problem, however, is that INTJs really want people to make sense.
—Marina Margaret Heiss
I’m very amazed, that there is such a feedback.
But it’s quite mysterious that there is no other INTP here cO!
@Yakarin : Is it really true, that you sometimes can’t understand yourself? INFJ are very rare, I have a friend which is one. He has a very specific set of moral principles, ethics and thoughts.
It’s true that he’s quite helpful, and if he’s in a bad mood, he’ll kill everything !
EDIT: - saying that just looked it up and yeah explains me quite well. And I am part of 1% of the worlds population! awesome.
Thought I was special. lol
The portrait makes me look like a bit of a wuss, which is 100% accurate hahahahah
No but seriously, I’ve been in a few online communities who took this test and usually the vast majority were Introverted iNtuitive something-something… the variety here is intriguing…