do you happen to know where i could find one?
Here - you can find some interesting shows (but mostly it’s downloaded from here0.)
I’ve heard (private torrent tracker) has alot of hq japanese shows, however needs an invite to register…and i’m not a member as well.
Most good sites require invite, such as UG and AQUA which is very CLOSED to outsiders.
[quote="nakaz":qhpmvbmu]I’ve heard (private torrent tracker) has alot of hq japanese shows, however needs an invite to register…and i’m not a member as well.
Most good sites require invite, such as UG and AQUA which is very CLOSED to outsiders.[/quote:qhpmvbmu]
For anyone curious, here’s a sneak peek (screencap) into HDHome tracker’s J-variety resources, all in 1080i mpeg-ts captures:
They also have recent j-dramas in 1080i mpeg-ts captures. If you’re looking for an invite, your best bet is on the jpopsuki tracker or try [url=]r/Invites/[/url:qhpmvbmu]. Don’t ask me for one, I don’t have any left.
thank you for the info!
i really loved to watched it in HD and if its a private tracker i have been seeding for avistaz and aidoru/hello online for quite a while
Wow, the list looks awesome, and thanks for the info.
I’ll try the r/invite thing, but might as well ask here too.
Would anyone have any invites left by any chance? I am happy to give jpopsuki invite if that’s even a deal haha
[b:1pbvynle]Heads up, guys. [url=]HDHome[/url:1pbvynle] has just opened registration. If you’re interested in [u:1pbvynle]recent HD j-tv shows, j-dramas or j-movies[/u:1pbvynle], this is your go-to-tracker. [u:1pbvynle]Sign-up before registration closes.[/u:1pbvynle] [/b:1pbvynle]
Thanks jhivesubs!
[quote="jhivesubs":1t9hc3cr][b:1t9hc3cr]Heads up, guys. [url=]HDHome[/url:1t9hc3cr] has just opened registration. If you’re interested in [u:1t9hc3cr]recent HD j-tv shows, j-dramas or j-movies[/u:1t9hc3cr], this is your go-to-tracker. [u:1t9hc3cr]Sign-up before registration closes.[/u:1t9hc3cr] [/b:1t9hc3cr][/quote:1t9hc3cr]
Thank you very much for information jhivesubs! Can you please help with this newbie exam on the site? How can i get Bonus points and what is the SLTR?
[quote="Megaton X":1hu08lp4][quote="jhivesubs":1hu08lp4][b:1hu08lp4]Heads up, guys. [url=]HDHome[/url:1hu08lp4] has just opened registration. If you’re interested in [u:1hu08lp4]recent HD j-tv shows, j-dramas or j-movies[/u:1hu08lp4], this is your go-to-tracker. [u:1hu08lp4]Sign-up before registration closes.[/u:1hu08lp4] [/b:1hu08lp4][/quote:1hu08lp4]
Thank you very much for information jhivesubs! Can you please help with this newbie exam on the site? How can i get Bonus points and what is the SLTR?[/quote:1hu08lp4]
SLTR = Seed Leech Time Ratio, I suggest you grab a whole lot of small files around100-500mb pdfs and permaseed those to rack up your seed time. For bonus points, keep seeding whatever you’re downloading for the bonus points. Also there’s a button "Attend today" beside "Bonus [Use]: XXX (Attend today)" that you can click daily for some bonus points, those keep stacking up daily as you press them.
This test should be a piece fo cake if you have a seedbox. Also a reminder, you MUST maintain the stats for the assessments until the assessment is done (30days). I know that getting those bonus points could be tough so if you are in a dire situation towards the end of the assessment, PM me there (user name is jhivesubs) and I’ll help out with the bonus points.
[quote="jhivesubs":2i3mjt9v][b:2i3mjt9v]Heads up, guys. [url=]HDHome[/url:2i3mjt9v] has just opened registration. If you’re interested in [u:2i3mjt9v]recent HD j-tv shows, j-dramas or j-movies[/u:2i3mjt9v], this is your go-to-tracker. [u:2i3mjt9v]Sign-up before registration closes.[/u:2i3mjt9v] [/b:2i3mjt9v][/quote:2i3mjt9v]
thanks for the heads up, but i dont know what kind of setting should i use in search button for me to find japanese variety shows
Registered to HDHome, even with Google Translate, I’m having a lot of trouble with the language. I see there’s a language setting to switch to english, but I can’t seem to "apply" or "save setting". And, oh lord, the filesizes, they really live up to their name aren’t they.
Btw, does anyone know a good place to get a weekly dose of "Tunnels no Minasan no Okage deshita"? Good quality if possible, I’m fine with 480p, but 720p always preferred. That’s my fave japanese TV show, and since jpch tv was down, I can’t get it anywhere else.
Does anyone have any invites to HDHome available? I’m on a different JTV private tracker and can show a good ratio.
if you’d asked a week ago there were free invites.
if no-one has any spare free invites I’ll look into getting you one through my karma, don’t know how much an invite costs in karma off hand so I’ll check later when I’m home.
Hi lalaloo sorry this took so long… I made a mistake, I thought I was a gig off power user status, missed that by 20. Anyway if you PM me your email address I’ll get the invite sent out to you.
Could I also get an invite for HDHome? I just missed out on open registration too
Send me a PM with your email I’ve got a spare invite going.
[url=][img:31c54j6j][/img:31c54j6j][/url:31c54j6j][url=]via Imgflip Meme Generator[/url:31c54j6j]
I tried asking for an invite on JPopsuki and r/invites, but no luck so far. Anyone on here have one they’d be willing to offer?
I would also really appreciate an invite for HDhome if available as I am having no luck with r/Invite. Can someone please inform me if they can get me one.Thanks in advance.
Just posted in another thread that registration is open in [url=][/url:2mincykz] . You can find Tetsuwan Dash, ItteQ, Sukatto Japan, Monitoring, Suiyoubi no Downtown, VS Arashi, etc there. I highly recommend!