[b:35vkhqp9][color=#00BF00:35vkhqp9]JordansOcarina [/color:35vkhqp9][/b:35vkhqp9][color=#800080:35vkhqp9][b:35vkhqp9]suggested that a separate thread from the Yamasaki Compilation be made for discussion. Thereby improving the organisation of [/color:35vkhqp9][color=#0080FF:35vkhqp9]the Compilation thread which is now solely for anyone to post Yamazaki-related content to.[/color:35vkhqp9][color=#800080:35vkhqp9] Some of the existing comments in that thread will be moved into this one.[/b:35vkhqp9][/color:35vkhqp9]
[color=#FF4000:35vkhqp9][b:35vkhqp9]If you have any comments on shows/episodes you’ve watched, questions, wish to talk about stuff you’ve found, just want to be kind in giving a word of thanks to anyone who contributes to the compilation thread, or have anything else you want to say that doesn’t include links to content, feel free to chat here! [/b:35vkhqp9][/color:35vkhqp9]
To go to the [url=http://www.gaki-no-tsukai.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4533:35vkhqp9]Compilation Thread[/url:35vkhqp9], here’s a banner link:
An awesome Youku channel that uploaded a lot of shows JapanCH/Channel_JPN didn’t cover, recently changed their profile message to 当分アップ休みます (I think: "I’m taking a break from uploading") unfortunately. Here’s hoping they’ll be back someday… I haven’t seen anyone else uploading shows like Drive! Go!, Yasutomo Goes Where!? and other stuff Tsukitei has been on recently. If anyone knows anywhere else though please let me know.
By the way I’ve been slowly grabbing older shows he was on off Clubbox. Though the filesizes there are a bit big (not HD either…) which is a pain for uploading to a faster host :\ So someday I might make a list & post it in this thread asking if there is anything specific people want to see upped to Zippyshare.
Hey, nice compilation!
By the way, the Hayashiji Arts one is from a show called Domoto Tsuyoshi no shoujiki shindoi (Doumoto Tsuyoshi’s Honestly a Pain)
this deserves to be a sticky !
I have been looking forward to watch yamasaki in japanese TV for a while, but always skipped it, not anymore ! am gonna watch this for sur !
[b:2ax6xuuz][color=#0040FF:2ax6xuuz]@GodzillaRadio[/color:2ax6xuuz][/b:2ax6xuuz]: Thanks, fixed! It’s great to know the proper title of the show.
[b:2ax6xuuz][color=#008000:2ax6xuuz]@JordansOcarina:[/color:2ax6xuuz][/b:2ax6xuuz] Wow, awesome!! Thank you so much for making it a sticky!
[quote="||—PEGO—||":37bizbms]Thanks Soudou for the recent links![/quote:37bizbms]
You’re welcome! Happy they’re being enjoyed.
[quote:37bizbms]Anyone has a May 2013 update Roundup? [/quote:37bizbms]
Thanks for the interest. Anyones welcome to post anything they find here. I welcome it!
As for me, I’m just waiting because according to a TV schedule there are some things at the end of the month. Though I don’t know if they’ll be uploaded online, because they’re Kansai area only broadcasts etc. But right at the end of May he has a couple of rakugo (like stand up comedy, but sitting down) related promotional shows that’ll air. In one I believe he even talks about how Downtown refer to him since the name change (doubt it’ll be translated but I’m curious to try and listen out for it to figure out what he said by looking things up ). Info:
[hide:37bizbms][quote:37bizbms][b:37bizbms]5/30 八光・方正・三度のよしもと落語研究会 - Yoshimoto Rakugo/Storyteller Study Group - Hakko - Hosei - Sando (Yomiuri TV) [/b:37bizbms]
Hakko, Hosei and Sando at the rallying point of the Kansai region rakugo: Yukari, the Naniwa Palace Takatsu!
Something a little bit different from the usual entertainer appearance, let's talk of rakugoka.
The enthusiasm of Sando and why Hosei became a rakugoka in earnest is delved into with laughter during the discussion.
In addition, on the stage of "Rakugo Museum", the challenging but unique traditional performance at the old variety hall in the Kansai region.
Plus, performances of rakugo storytelling from Hakko and Sando. Along with Hosei's first rakugo performance on TV since becoming fully graduated.
[quote:37bizbms][b:37bizbms]5/31 上方落語の会「手水廻し」月亭方正・「ゴーイング見合いウェイ」月亭遊方 - The Association of Kansai region Rakugo presents: "Rotating Handwash (at the Osaka country inn)" by Tsukitei Hosei - "Arranged marriage meeting going my way" by Tsukitei Yuho (NHK General - Osaka 1)[/b:37bizbms][/quote:37bizbms][/hide:37bizbms]
did you see Nakai-kun Onsen (~1996-1998)? Yamazaki was in it. It has an SP episode Nakai-kun Onsen vs Tensei Shingo (1997.10.09)
I havea few episode if anyone interested
[quote="sybersnake":26qmpoik]did you see Nakai-kun Onsen (~1996-1998)? Yamazaki was in it. It has an SP episode Nakai-kun Onsen vs Tensei Shingo (1997.10.09)
I havea few episode if anyone interested[/quote:26qmpoik]
No I hadn’t heard of that one. I’d be very interested! It is great to see his early work.
Thank you very much for sharing!
[quote="soudou":15ejttjg][quote="sybersnake":15ejttjg]did you see Nakai-kun Onsen (~1996-1998)? Yamazaki was in it. It has an SP episode Nakai-kun Onsen vs Tensei Shingo (1997.10.09)
I havea few episode if anyone interested[/quote:15ejttjg]
No I hadn’t heard of that one. I’d be very interested! It is great to see his early work.
Thank you very much for sharing! [/quote:15ejttjg]
Ok, I upload a few episode posted it on "other" thread
[quote="Sefidum":3mzz8ufr]I read somewhere that also Hamada has a radio show. Is this true? If so, where can I find it? Does any of the gaki-cast have a podcast?[/quote:3mzz8ufr]
His Japanese Wikipedia page has no mention of radio stuff "ラジオ" but if you Google Hamada’s name + radio you’ll find some guest talks on Youtube etc.: 浜田雅功ラジオ.
Matsumoto Hitoshi has a radio show though called 松本人志の放送室 and Yamasaki co-hosts on K’z Station’s おしゃべりやってまーすetc.
[quote="sebas-chan":1fhaag9i]thanks soudou for a new yamasakis update [/quote:1fhaag9i]
Glad you enjoy the updates
I think also in this episode, they changed it so that the judges scoring of each singer shows up as a heat flame on the front of their desk. Another thing the hosts seem to say is that the strength of all the flames looked about as much as a row of birthday candles on a cake, to which Tsukitei drops down in laughter.
[quote="sebas-chan":1fhaag9i]I use the "aTube Catcher" for Dailymotion without problems. just paste the link and it downloads the video in one piece.[/quote:1fhaag9i]
It’ll grab the 1080p version? I will give that a try. Thank you!
Thanks soudou for the July update. Just to add that on the Marco Polori program, the fortune teller girl was talking about aura and when the host asked the girl about Housei-san’s aura, she says his aura is small. That’s why Housei-san look so dejected. This is as much as I can understand.